
How to reference remote C# code in 11ty

March 15, 2023

We write blog posts and we want to reference our GitHub project C# code or any code from our projects in 11ty. This is a great way to share and maintain code snippets with the community.


Visual Studio Advance

May 24, 2021

This post is a quick reference and should help you to familiarise quickly with the key and essential Visual Studio (VS) functionality.

C#Visual StudioAdvance

Visual Studio Intro

April 03, 2021

This intro is a quick reference and it should help you to familiarise quickly with the key and essential Visual Studio (VS) functionality.

C#Visual StudioBeginner

Jazor experiment

October 31, 2020

This experiment library helps with very common actions on the website which involve repeating JavaScript code across multiple different projects.

TypeScriptASP.NET CoreAdvance

Visual Studio Debugger Enumerable Visualizer

June 11, 2019

Visual Studio Debugger Enumerable Visualizer without any [Serialize] attribute, using Json was an experiment to get a better experience when debugging IEnumerables.

C#Visual Studio